📬Are you Guilty of Parallel Scrolling? I am! 😬

Hey there!

Ever sit in a meeting, with someone beside you, and they are completely checked out, distracted, and scrolling on their phone? This refers to the term ‘parallel scrolling’ the all-too-common scenario of coworkers or managers physically present but mentally absent, engrossed on their smartphones rather than actively engaging in conversations or meetings. This behavior, while seemingly innocent, can have significant implications for workplace dynamics, communication, and productivity.

The Impact of Parallel Scrolling

The effects of parallel scrolling extend far beyond the immediate interaction of being in the present moment. This type of behavior often erodes trust, makes others feel disrespected, undermines collaboration, and diminishes the quality of communication within teams. When individuals prioritize their phones: texts, social media, or email over interpersonal interactions, it sends a message that their attention is divided, their focus fragmented, and their colleagues' contributions not that important. Over time, this can create a divide within teams, impede decision-making processes, and hinder overall productivity.

How to Deal

Addressing parallel scrolling requires a strategic approach that combines assertiveness, empathy, and effective communication strategies. It's essential for individuals to recognize and acknowledge when they feel ignored or sidelined due to parallel scrolling. Instead of internalizing these feelings, they should proactively communicate their concerns in a respectful and constructive manner. By initiating open dialogues and establishing clear communication norms, teams can work together to mitigate the negative effects of parallel scrolling and foster a more inclusive and engaged work environment. Or, if that doesn’t work, do what I do during sessions or in the classroom, ask everyone to please turn their phones off, or put them away.

Some other things that can help in the workplace:

1. Lead by Example: Set the tone for attentive and respectful communication by demonstrating active listening and engagement during meetings and discussions. By modeling the behavior you wish to see, you can encourage others to follow suit. Turn your silenced phone over on the table in front of you and resist the urge to check it while in meetings.

2. Establish Communication Guidelines: Work collaboratively with your team to establish ground rules for communication, including expectations around device usage during meetings and designated times for checking emails and messages. These guidelines should emphasize the importance of presence, attentiveness, and mutual respect. Studies show that it also helps with increased productivity during the workday.

3. Promote Open Communication: Establish platforms and channels where team members can freely discuss their experience with parallel scrolling. Create an environment of communication safety, ensuring everyone feels empowered to express their views without apprehension of criticism or backlash. If necessary, call people out on their scrolling! Often it is such an ingrained habit that they don’t even know they are doing it.

4. Utilize Technology Mindfully: While cell phones are essential for communication and knowledge sharing, it's important to use them mindfully and purposefully. Encourage team members to practice digital restraint by setting boundaries around phone usage and minimizing distractions during critical discussions, meetings, or collaborative work sessions.

Fostering a Culture of Presence

Parallel scrolling presents a significant challenge to effective communication and collaboration across all industries. By raising awareness of this phenomenon, understanding its impact, and implementing proactive strategies to address it, organizations can create a culture of presence, attentiveness, and mutual respect. Let's strive to foster work environments that prioritize the value of every individual's contribution, ensure their voices are heard, and empower them to excel in their work.

Here's to Your Success!


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I work with entrepreneurs and small businesses to help them make consistent month over month revenue by teaching a 9-step proven and endorsed framework. For C-level executives and their teams across the country and internationally, I help transform, inspire, and motivate them to meet their professional needs. RPC focuses on three key areas: one-on-one executive coaching and consulting, professional development training for teams, and keynote speaking.

Dr. Roberta (Bobby) Pellant
Let me help you or your business by sharing my knowledge, strategic ideas, and experience. By listening and valuing what entrepreneurs and C-level executives needs are, I take leaders and their organizations to the next level of success.

90 South Street Suite 301, Hingham, MA 02043
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The Empowered Path Newsletter: Insights for Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Dr. Roberta Pellant is an MBA Professor, Consultant, 7xEntrepreneur, #1 International Best-Selling Author, Keynote and TEDx Speaker. She is a certified professional development trainer and is sought after for her executive leadership coaching. She was Vice President of Knowledge and Communications at US Capital Global, a corporate finance company, and former owner of BumBoosa© Bamboo Products (Shark Tank vetted) before it was acquired. She has been featured in Wall Street Select, Yahoo! Finance, Market Watch, and International Business, and on ABC Chronicle. Dr. Roberta (Bobby) Pellant is considered a top business expert across several industries and works with women entrepreneurs to increase their month over month revenue with a proven 9 step framework and Mastering Business $uccess program. Learn more at: www.robertapellant.com

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