👀I See You! Are You a Quitter? 💥

Hi there! There is a Mass Exodus that No One is Talking About: Quitters

Yes, this is a thing, and not a lot of us are talking about it, and even less of us admit that we are one!

Are you a Corporate Quitter?

In corporate environments, there's a growing trend where employees opt for a discreet departure rather than a formal resignation. This is quiet quitting- which means you are still working at your job, but not motivated and just going through the motions, perhaps just waiting until retirement. The approach I am talking about often stems from dissatisfaction with management, limited growth prospects, or feeling undervalued. By quietly exiting, employees aim to avoid conflict and maintain relationships while seeking better opportunities elsewhere. I left a lucrative six figure job a year and half ago for those very reasons! To this day, people that I am close to still do not understand how I could do that. For those of you that work for yourself, many times you give up and quit at your business as well!

The Entrepreneurial Struggle: Business Owners that Walk Away

Entrepreneurs occasionally face pivotal moments where they contemplate giving up on their businesses. This decision can be triggered by financial hardships, market fluctuations, personal burnout, or a desire to pursue new interests. Despite the challenges, walking away from a business can represent a courageous choice to prioritize mental health and explore new opportunities aligned with ever-evolving aspirations or financial needs. During Covid, I started 5 new businesses. Three out of the five financially failed and I walked away, which if you know anything about me, was hard to do. I thought I could save them by just doing something new. But I realized that burnout was real, especially during this time, and that it was not worth it! Even as I write this, I need to remember that two of those businesses are still thriving, so I made the right decision. More importantly, I have recently been thinking about going back to a corporate hybrid work environment just for the team mentality. I’m not giving my businesses up 100%, I’m just taking a step back because I’m not as passionate about it as I once was.

At one time or other, I bet you have been in a similar situation as this.

Many times, quitting is not an endpoint but a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Embracing change allows individuals to redirect their energy towards pursuits that better align with their values and long-term goals. It involves embracing uncertainty with resilience and openness to new experiences. By reframing quitting as a strategic decision for self-discovery and development, individuals can transform transitions into opportunities for meaningful reinvention and career satisfaction, no matter if you come from a corporate or entrepreneurial background.

Redefining Success

Quitting is not seen as a good thing. However, quitting challenges conventional definitions of success and encourages individuals to redefine their paths on their terms. This might involve exploring unconventional career trajectories, venturing into new industries, or prioritizing work-life balance over a traditional checklist of achievement. Embracing authenticity in career decisions promotes a sense of fulfillment and purpose, fostering a sustainable professional journey aligned with personal values. By making the decision to quit at something that isn’t fulfilling you any longer, individuals empower themselves to pursue paths that resonate deeply with their aspirations and values.

Quitting—whether quietly in corporate roles or decisively in entrepreneurial ventures—signifies a transformative moment in one's professional journey. It requires courage, introspection, and a readiness to embrace change. By reframing quitting as a deliberate choice for growth and resilience, individuals can navigate transitions with confidence and optimism. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of career transitions and empowers individuals to forge paths that lead to greater fulfillment and success in both professional and personal spheres.

Are you thinking about quitting? How will you know when enough is enough? Is there another type of quitting that I forgot about? I’d love to keep the conversation going! Please share this newsletter or find me on social to let me know if it made you think about where you are currently in your professional journey.

Here's to your continued success!


Want To Work Together?

I work with entrepreneurs and small businesses to help them make consistent month over month revenue by teaching a 9-step proven and endorsed framework. For C-level executives and their teams across the country and internationally, I help transform, inspire, and motivate them to meet their professional needs. RPC focuses on three key areas: one-on-one executive coaching and consulting, professional development training for teams, and keynote speaking.

Dr. Roberta (Bobby) Pellant
Let me help you or your business by sharing my knowledge, strategic ideas, and experience. By listening and valuing what entrepreneurs and C-level executives needs are, I take leaders and their organizations to the next level of success.

90 South Street Suite 301, Hingham, MA 02043
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The Empowered Path Newsletter: Insights for Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Dr. Roberta Pellant is an MBA Professor, Consultant, 7xEntrepreneur, #1 International Best-Selling Author, Keynote and TEDx Speaker. She is a certified professional development trainer and is sought after for her executive leadership coaching. She was Vice President of Knowledge and Communications at US Capital Global, a corporate finance company, and former owner of BumBoosa© Bamboo Products (Shark Tank vetted) before it was acquired. She has been featured in Wall Street Select, Yahoo! Finance, Market Watch, and International Business, and on ABC Chronicle. Dr. Roberta (Bobby) Pellant is considered a top business expert across several industries and works with women entrepreneurs to increase their month over month revenue with a proven 9 step framework and Mastering Business $uccess program. Learn more at: www.robertapellant.com

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