
The Empowered Path Newsletter: Insights for Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Dr. Roberta Pellant is an MBA Professor, Consultant, 7xEntrepreneur, #1 International Best-Selling Author, Keynote and TEDx Speaker. She is a certified professional development trainer and is sought after for her executive leadership coaching. She was Vice President of Knowledge and Communications at US Capital Global, a corporate finance company, and former owner of BumBoosa© Bamboo Products (Shark Tank vetted) before it was acquired. She has been featured in Wall Street Select, Yahoo! Finance, Market Watch, and International Business, and on ABC Chronicle. Dr. Roberta (Bobby) Pellant is considered a top business expert across several industries and works with women entrepreneurs to increase their month over month revenue with a proven 9 step framework and Mastering Business $uccess program. Learn more at:

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😱What's Your Fear Quotient? Normalize it now!⏳

Happy FriYay! 🎉 It's that time of year again...With high stress levels leading to burnout, anxiety, and mental health on everyone’s mind, understanding your fear exponent quotient can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals. What exactly is the definition of fear exponent quotient? Fear exponent quotient is a hypothetical measure of an individual's ability to engage with or avoid fear-inducing situations and risks. It can be a way to quantify how significantly fear influences one's...

Hey there! Want to improve and decode your communication? Keep reading. We all know effective communication is the key to successful leadership and teamwork. Be what you might not know is understanding how to adapt your style to match those you interact with can transform your relationships and drive results. The DISC profile—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness—provides a framework for understanding different communication styles and tailoring your approach for maximum...

Do you want to Cross the Finish Line for the Win? Keep reading for strategies for achieving your ultimate goals As we tally up the gold medals after weeks of watching the athletes' incredible feats of determination and the airing of closing ceremony for the Olympics tonight, I can't help but wonder, what are the common denominators between the winners are. Coming into the final stretch toward your goals can be both exhilarating and daunting. Whether you’re pursuing financial success, a...

Hey there! New month, new opportunity, new mindset. Let’s shake it up! Overcoming career stagnation and boredom can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can reignite your passion and drive. Here’s how to break free from the monotony and rediscover your enthusiasm at work. Embrace Continuous Learning Feeling stuck often means that you’re not growing. Seek out opportunities for learning beyond your immediate job requirements. Attend workshops, pursue certifications, or engage in...

Hi there! There is a Mass Exodus that No One is Talking About: Quitters Yes, this is a thing, and not a lot of us are talking about it, and even less of us admit that we are one! Are you a Corporate Quitter? In corporate environments, there's a growing trend where employees opt for a discreet departure rather than a formal resignation. This is quiet quitting- which means you are still working at your job, but not motivated and just going through the motions, perhaps just waiting until...

Hey there, This is a hot topic! Are we overlooking character in people, in ourselves? Let’s talk about this. How are you showing up? What does your character look like? The core of leadership extends far beyond mere titles. While titles signify authority, effective leadership is rooted in character traits that inspire trust, collaboration, and transformative change. I want to delve into critical facets of leadership character that transcend traditional hierarchical structures, offering...

Happy Sunday Empowered Friends! I want to talk about something that I bet we think a lot about, but never really dive deep into either subject! How do you feel about money? What do you think about time? Most of us think that the more we spend our time working harder, the money will flow. Our interaction with money and time plays a pivotal role in shaping our professional and personal trajectories. Let's go a bit deeper into this intricate relationship, looking at fresh perspectives and...

Hey there! Ever sit in a meeting, with someone beside you, and they are completely checked out, distracted, and scrolling on their phone? This refers to the term ‘parallel scrolling’ the all-too-common scenario of coworkers or managers physically present but mentally absent, engrossed on their smartphones rather than actively engaging in conversations or meetings. This behavior, while seemingly innocent, can have significant implications for workplace dynamics, communication, and...

Hey there! Let’s get real. We are all wasting our time during the day! Distractions lurk around every corner, threatening to suck up our time, derail our productivity and stop our progress towards working on important tasks. From the constant reminders on how many new email notifications we have, to the temptation of scrolling social media, stopping these distractions requires a focused approach and a commitment to reclaiming control over our time. Identifying Common Distractions Distractions...

Hi again! How do you view strategy? Unavoidable, or a game that gets you motivated and anchored in competitiveness? Do you tend to zero in on the problem and try to come up with solutions, or do you take a bird’s eye approach to the problem and look at all the variables that might be involved? Strategic leadership thinking is invaluable for driving business success. Yet, many leaders and owners struggle with common pitfalls that hinder their ability to look at strategic challenges...